We are delighted to confirm that Norman Baker MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Transport will be providing the keynote address at our Annual Bus Conference.

Huge political, demographic and economic changes are forcing fundamental shifts within the UK bus industry (local authorities and private operators). The new ministerial team at the DfT has voiced support for some radical policy proposals particularly on regulation. The Competition Commission is currently examining whether competition is generating excessive profits for operators, the bus service operators grant is being reviewed and the spending cuts programme will also have serious implications for fares and concessions, and carbon reductions.With so many burning issues needing resolving for the industry, there’s never been a better time to attend our annual event to hear how your authority or business may be affected. As ever, the event features the biggest names discussing the biggest questions, including:

  • will regulation triumph over loose partnerships and if so, who pays?
  • what will happen to the Bus Service Operators Grant?
  • can concessionary fares survive?
  • what will funding cuts means for fares and for CO2 reduction?
  • what are the implications of foreign state ownership of UK bus companies?
  • are operators really are making excessive profits?
  • can supported bus services be protected from the spending cuts?
  • how can smartcards facilitate policy changes and economic efficiencies?