Transport Times is collaborating with Manchester Airports Group and Atos to produce fringe events at two of the political party conferences which will focus on aviation.  Both of our fringe events are free of charge and are located outside the secure zone so attendees will not require a pass to attend.  Refreshments will be provided at both fringe events.

Tues 24 Sept, 18:00-19:00 Holiday Inn, Ashdown 2, 137 King's Road, Brighton, BN1 2JF (buffet provided)


Louise Ellman MP, Chair of the Commons Transport Select Committee (Invited);
Prof David Begg (Chair), Chief Executive Transport Times;
Tim Hawkins, Corporate Affairs Director, Manchester Airports Group;
Tony Lacy, Global Head of Travel and Transport, Atos
Tues 1 Oct, 13:00-14:00 Charles Hallé Room, The Bridgewater Hall, Lower Mosley Street, Manchester, M2 3WS (buffet provided)


Cllr Daniel Moylan, Aviation Advisor to the Mayor of London;
Prof David Begg (Chair), Chief Executive, Transport Times; 
Charlie Cornish, Chief Executive, Manchester Airports Group;
Tony Lacy, Global Head of Travel and Transport, Atos

The Government has recently published its long-awaited aviation strategy – but, controversially, without proposals for new hub airport capacity which will instead be investigated by the Davies Commission.  

The new draft policy framework addressed the question of improving reliability and reducing delays at Heathrow, provided incentives for noise reduction and included plans for a £500m western rail link to Heathrow. It also wants to support regional airports to make more use of their existing capacity and has also promised liberalisation of the aviation market to allow and encourage foreign airlines en route to other countries to stop off at Stansted or Luton to pick up passengers.

The commission will report after 2015.  With the interim report expected in December 2013 Transport Times participation at the party conferences couldn’t be more timely.  Our fringe event will tackle the following key issues:

  • What is the economic case for increased hub capacity?
  • How insurmountable are the objections to a new hub airport: cost to the taxpayer of surface access, travel time for passengers to access the new hub, business relocation etc.
  • Can Heathrow expand without increasing noise?
  • How feasible are the London mayor’s three alternative hub sites?
  • Do we need one large hub airport or should new capacity be spread around a number of airports.
  • What would be the impact on businesses that have made decisions to locate close to Heathrow?
  • Should we be doing more to utilise the spare capacity at regional airports?
  • Do we need extra capacity at all or can we cope with demand by making more efficient use of existing capacity.
  • MAG’s acquisition of Stansted Airport – a unique perspective on airport debate – London and regions
  • The importance of MAG to the growth of the Manchester city region
  • Airport City and the Enterprise Zone
  • Supporting international connectivity – the launch of the Manchester China Forum and the opportunity this will open
  • Northern Hub & HS2

Do we need extra capacity at all or can we cope with demand by making more efficient use of existing capacity.