Smashing silos in transport tech: building partnerships to drive innovation

The transport sector faces mounting pressure to shift from cars to public transport to cut congestion, reduce emissions, and boost public health. For buses, enhancing service quality—such as frequency, reliability, and punctuality—is crucial to make them a more compelling and cost-effective alternative to driving.

Transport authorities are increasingly adopting technology, especially Intelligent Transport System (ITS) solutions, to improve networks and move beyond outdated approaches. A data-driven approach provides the evidence needed for continuous improvement, enhancing operational efficiency and creating happier passengers.

However, as authorities adopt new technologies and ITS solutions, they often encounter the challenge of meeting diverse needs within the ecosystem. Large, all-in-one solutions may seem convenient but often come with hefty price tags and vendor lock-in.

Working with a group of specialist providers can be the best approach to building a high-performing public transport system, provided there's a structured, collaborative approach. Engaging with transport tech partner networks —where technology providers, transport consultants, specialists, and channel partners join forces—can overcome the siloed nature of traditional operations. It can also create comprehensive, agile solutions that effectively address these challenges and ensure that authorities are not locked in.

At Snapper Services we embraced a collaborative approach to transport solutions from the beginning. We have a track-record of joining forces with complementary companies within the industry to drive innovation and deliver the best outcomes for passengers. This collaborative mindset enables us to address the unique needs of a range of communities and break down silos.

Here are five key reasons why working with partner networks enhances the ability to meet the diverse needs of transit authorities and operators:

1. Future-proofing networks

One of the greatest advantages of working with a partner network is the ease of integrating and sharing data to gain comprehensive insights, without incurring additional costs for integration and maintenance. Standardised data formats and products which seamlessly connect enable easy future integrations, without rebuilding the system from the ground up. This compatibility is crucial for future-proofing networks.

Forward-thinking businesses are recognising the value of collaborating. For example, Snapper and Vix Technology's partnership combines Snapper's Mosaiq tools with Vix's Beacon ITS platform, offering a scalable and adaptable solution for transport operators and authorities worldwide. The combined solution is a powerful combination that offers a complete picture of fleet movement, network usage, and transport operations.

2. Collaboration drives innovation

Innovation means looking at opportunities and problems through many different lenses before landing on a solution. Collaboration with partners enables your organisation to access a range of different perspectives, skills and ultimately the delivery of the right solution for your context. In a collaborative network, innovation is not just encouraged but accelerated.

One of the challenges in collaboration is working out who are the organisations with proven competence in your domain that you can trust. The possibility of making the wrong choice can often be a barrier to working with others.

Fortunately, there are networks that organisations can access which have done this hard work of testing and validating competence. For example, Amazon Web Services (AWS) has created a Smart Cities hub which connects communities of interest with experts in their field.

The products and companies on the Smart Cities hub are carefully curated. They must meet stringent requirements, demonstrate technical expertise and prove real customer success. This makes it easy to assemble a set of partners with the right skills to get the job done.
Leveraging this network unlocks access to deep technical skills in AI, machine learning and analytics, which often aren't economic to develop in-house. The AWS certification provides confidence that the partner knows the public transport domain and has empathy for your context.

3. Adapting to differing needs

As public transit evolves, there's a growing need for solutions to be tailored to specific communities. In the UK, some transport authorities are shifting operating models and embracing franchising to address this change – but it's not the only way. Partnership-driven networks allow authorities and operators to access specialised resources that address unique local challenges and access experts.

Public transport is becoming increasingly localised, with communities requiring solutions that address their specific needs. By leveraging a network of transport technology experts, authorities and operators can tap into tailored resources designed to address the unique challenges of each community. This collaborative approach ensures that transport solutions are not only effective but also responsive to local requirements.

For instance, the collaboration between Snapper and transit to incorporate customer feedback and sentiment into the Mosiaq Insights app highlights how partnership networks can deliver complementary, highly tailored solutions that provide a comprehensive, customer-centric and localised view of transport networks for authorities and operators.

4. A wealth of expertise in one place

Transport authorities and operators often have big ambitions but face budget or human resource constraints to achieve them. A collaborative network offers access to a broad range of industry expertise. This collective knowledge enables authorities and operators to tackle complex challenges more effectively than they could on their own.

With over 18 years in the transport industry, Snapper leverages our global partnerships to enhance offerings for transport operators and authorities, drawing on our partners' local market and regulatory expertise.

For example, the growing trend of bus service franchising in the UK, along with the regulatory settings for public transport contracting in New Zealand, APAC, and parts of Europe, introduces a new dynamic to network management. This approach aims to create a more cohesive and responsive bus network that caters to the unique needs of local communities while aligning with broader regional goals.

Snapper's experience in New Zealand, particularly with Greater Wellington Regional Council (GWRC), underscores the value of collaboration in successful franchising transitions. We helped to navigate the challenges of implementing a new franchising contract model for GWRC, through the delivery of accurate performance data. Now, our tools and expertise support similar efforts in the UK and beyond.

5. A more cost-effective solution

Further benefits to working with a network of partners is access to proven integrated and compatible tools, which can save transport authorities countless hours of integration, experimentation, and project management. Instead of questioning whether different tools can work together, the focus shifts to how best to benefit from a joined-up solution.

One example is our collaboration with Optibus, who partners with specialised transport technology providers. Together we can demonstrate how integrated data capabilities can improve on-time performance with minimal resources. By using such tools, public transport operators and authorities can identify inefficiencies, enhance operational capabilities, and gain full visibility over their systems. This approach not only helps deliver more reliable services but also highlights the cost-effectiveness of ready-to-use solutions that are proven to work.


As the world of transport continues to evolve, with an increasing focus on localised services and emerging technologies, working with specialised and collaborative transport tech experts will be key. By harnessing integrated solutions, authorities and operators can gain access to valuable network insights, to optimise routes, manage resources effectively, and boost passenger numbers.

The future of public transport hinges on our collective ability to collaborate, utilise data and drive continuous improvement. This approach will ensure that transport systems are not only efficient but also finely tuned to meet the unique needs of every community.